x2o Studio Pilates Membership and Class Packs Purchase Page


Hardcore. Effective. Efficient. Safe.

What’s not to love?

Our signature classes, using the revolutionary XFormer Pilates reformer, was developed to give you the best possible workout in the shortest amount of time.

Use slow movements (to target slow twitch muscle fibers, scientifically proven to burn more fat), resistance training (to build muscle strength), continuous tension (via spring resistance) and constant engagement of your entire body (on a moving platform) to push your muscles to maximum exertion and keep your heart rate elevated throughout.

Power. Intensity. Cardio.

A trifecta of awesomeness. In 40 minutes you will leave sweaty, out of breath and inspired. Power through tempo’ed sprints to pulse-pounding music as you use your entire body to help you reach the finish line.

Stretch your limits as you burn 500-800 calories per class.